Washington Post’s interview with President Park Geun-hye

June 12, 2015
South Korean President Park Geun-hye. (AP Photo/Jung Yeon-je)

South Korean President Park Geun-hye. (AP Photo/Jung Yeon-je)

[THE WASHINGTON POST]  ‘Eventually we will face a situation that will be beyond our control.’

By Lally Weymouth

Lally Weymouth is a senior associate editor for The Washington Post.


South Korea’s president, Park Geun-hye, was supposed to visit President Obama in Washington this coming week to discuss the growing threat from Kim Jong Un’s nuclear-armed North Korea and her country’s vexed relationship with Japan. But with the spread of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and her falling poll numbers, Park cancelled the trip. She talked instead with The Washington Post’s Lally Weymouth. Edited excerpts follow.

Why did you cancel your trip? What can you do here to contain MERS?

 My visit to the U.S. was very important. The spread of MERS is being brought under control, but we still have a significant number of confirmed cases, so I resolved to put the safety of the Korean people first. [READ MORE]