Coffee lovers, rejoice: Harvard study shows 3-5 cups a day is good for you

November 18, 2015

Another study says coffee is good for you. (Korea Times file)

A new Harvard study supports coffee addicts everywhere: three to five cups a day may lower risk of premature death by 15 percent.

According to research co-authored by Harvard University epidemiology professor and Nutrition Chair Walter Willet, coffee may help reduce risk of Parkinson’s, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, as well as Type 2 diabetes.

The research pulled data from 167,000 women and 40,000 men each four years through 30 years.

The conclusion showed that those who drank three to five cups of coffee a day lived three to seven years longer, on average, than those who did not.

Decaffeinated coffee had the same effect as caffeinated coffee, pointing to possible health benefits of the coffee bean.

Coffee consumption has been linked to disease prevention in the past — last year, a study by the American Association of Cancer Research said that four cups of coffee a day may reduce risk of liver cancer by 42 percent, based on health records of 180,000 Americans.

“I think if people like coffee, it’s fine to include it [as part of your daily habit]. So, certainly, [people] should not feel guilty about moderate coffee consumption. It definitely can be part of a healthy lifestyle,” Willet told NPR. “I wouldn’t suggest that someone who doesn’t like coffee go out and drink it.”


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  3. colour switch

    October 24, 2017 at 6:34 PM

    I also like to drink coffee. It helps me to be more alert at work. But it looks like it will make my skin worse

  4. Obat Ambeien

    November 2, 2017 at 12:42 AM

    coffee is very good bayaka yes the benefits we feel from drinking this coffee

    Preventing and Overcoming Depression
    Research shows a link between coffee with decreased risk of depression in a person.

    Increased Brain Memory
    Drinking coffee is beneficial to improve brain memory

    Improving Performance and Performance
    Several studies have found the benefits of coffee can strengthen the immune system in daily activities. In a study conducted in 2008, revision of garamine content for athletes.

    Helps Prevent Diabetes
    In a study conducted, found that drinking coffee has a tendency to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

    In a 2012 research report published in ‘Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry’. Reveals the reason for the relationship between coffee and diabetes risk reduction.

    Prevent Parkinson’s Disease
    Parkinson’s disease is a disease that makes the sufferer decrease nervous ability. A famous boxer named Muhammad Ali experienced this disease.

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