Arrest warrant issued for Air Force officer over alleged sexual harassment

June 2, 2021

 A military court issued an arrest warrant for an Air Force noncommissioned officer Wednesday on charges of sexual harassment of a female colleague that led to her taking her own life, the defense ministry said.

The master sergeant, surnamed Jang, is suspected of sexually harassing the victim of the same rank inside a car on their way back to the base in the western city of Seosan after a private gathering in March.

After taking two months off, she applied for and was granted a transfer to another base. She was found dead at her residence inside the base late last month.

“The general military court issued a arrest warrant for the noncommissioned officer on charges of sexual harassment and inflicting injury. He is under detention,” the ministry said in a release.

The military came under intense criticism following revelations that her superiors, according to her family members, tried to persuade her to reach a settlement with the suspect without taking due protective measures.

This photo taken on June 2, 2021, shows a temporary alter set up for an Air Force noncommissioned officer at the Armed Forces Capital Hospital in the city of Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, who took her own life in May after being sexually harassed by her colleague. (Yonhap)
An Air Force officer is taken to a military court in Seoul on June 2, 2021, to attend a hearing to review whether a arrest warrant will be issued over his alleged sexual harassment of a female colleague, which caused her to take her own life in May, in this photo provided by the defense ministry. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap)
Defense Minister Suh Wook (R) bows to the bereaved family members of an Air Force officer who died in an apparent suicide following alleged harassment by a colleague during his visit to a military hospital in Seongnam, south of Seoul, where the victim's body is laid, on June 2, 2021. (Yonhap)

This photo taken on June 2, 2021, shows a temporary alter set up for an Air Force noncommissioned officer at the Armed Forces Capital Hospital in the city of Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, who took her own life in May after being sexually harassed by her colleague. (Yonhap)

Earlier in the day, Defense Minister Suh Wook pledged a transparent and thorough investigation when he met with the bereaved family members at a military hospital in Seongnam, south of Seoul, where the body of the female master sergeant is laid.

“We will thoroughly look into the case so that there is no room left for any doubts,” Suh told the parents of the late master sergeant, promising a “transparent” investigation, according to pool reports.

Following an hourlong closed-door meeting with the minister, the mother of the late victim passed out after sobbing in front of her daughter’s portrait and was transferred to a hospital.

On Tuesday, Suh ordered the Air Force to hand over the case to the defense ministry. The investigation team will also look into whether the military appropriately handled the case when it was first reported.

Starting Thursday, the ministry will also run a two-week special reporting period for sexual harassment cases in the military to check if there are any other sexual violence cases in barracks.

Service members who suffered or witnessed sexual abuse can report it via a phone call or email, according to the ministry.

“Through this special reporting period, the defense ministry will make utmost efforts to protect victims who haven’t been able to report their sufferings,” the ministry said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Air Force is also looking into a case where a technical sergeant in the central city of Chungju allegedly broke into the quarters of his female colleagues and illegally took photos of their bodies and underclothes.

At least six female service members were believed to have been victimized between last year and May, but the number could grow further as he is suspected of committing such acts also against civilians.