Ex-footballer says nat’l federation caused its own problems

July 19, 2024

Former South Korea international Park Joo-ho, who once faced a legal threat from the Korea Football Association (KFA) for his recent criticism, said Thursday there wouldn’t have been issues surrounding the national football federation if it had stuck to the proper steps in hiring the new men’s national team head coach.

While attending a corporate event involving the Korea Professional Football League in Seoul, Park spoke with reporters for the first time since releasing a YouTube video last week in which he blasted the KFA for its problematic hiring of Hong Myung-bo as the new men’s boss.

Park served on the KFA’s National Teams Committee, which was responsible for the hiring process, and said the five months he’d spent there all went for naught because the KFA disregarded proper vetting procedures. Park also accused fellow committee members of lacking professionalism and knowledge.

While Park has garnered support from many former players, former national team head coach Lee Hoe-taik recently backed Hong’s appointment. Lee said although the process might have been problematic, people should now give Hong a vote of confidence to help him do his job.

Park responded that the KFA caused its own problems with its lack of transparency.

“If they had gone through the proper steps, we wouldn’t have had this sort of problem,” Park said. “I think we’ll need to see how the national team does from now on and make an objective assessment.”

The KFA threatened legal action against Park as his video drew millions of views, and charged that he had breached terms of the non-disclosure agreement he’d signed in February.

However, the KFA scrapped that plan Thursday.

“We did consider the possibility of taking legal action against Park Joo-ho, but we have decided not to take further steps,” a KFA official said. “We felt it was unnecessary to respond that way.”

Other former players, including ex-national team captain Park Ji-sung, joined Park Joo-ho in taking shots at the KFA. Hong himself said he respected Park’s opinions and it was healthy for South Korean football to allow different voices to be heard.

“I think they all feel the same way,” Park Joo-ho said of those who offered him their support. “If the KFA became more systematic in order to further develop Korean football, then it will end up being a much better organization.”

Asked why he decided to openly criticize the KFA, Park said, “I felt it would help the development of Korean football if I shared what had happened inside the committee over the past five months.”

“There was no fairness or transparency. It was a very complicated situation,” Park added. “There needs to be a better structured system.”

Park said he had heard from an acquaintance working at the KFA after his video went viral but added, “I have not received any official contact from the KFA.”