Good news: UCLA grad pays tribute to immigrant parents hard work in fruit fields

July 28, 2015
Eunice Gonzalez with her parents in Santa Marica, Calif. (Facebook/Photo credit: Jorge Flores)

Eunice Gonzalez with her parents in Santa Marica, Calif. (Facebook/Photo credit: Jorge Flores)

By Brian Han

Eunice Gonzalez, 22, wanted to find an appropriate way to celebrate her graduation from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) while also showing her gratitude to her immigrant parents who had worked as strawberry pickers to support their family — a profession they held for over two decades.

So the three of them went out to the fields where they had worked so hard and took photos that they would remember forever.

Gonzalez was no stranger to the setting as she had been by their side in those fields while helping to pick strawberries since she was 12 years old.

“They are the hardest working people in the world, and hardly ever are given the dignity and respect they deserve. I needed them to see, this wasn’t simply my success, this was a success of 22 years in the fields, this was all them,” she told online publication ATTN:.

She took that work ethic to the classroom and made sure to follow through by earning her degree.

“Immigrants don’t always have easy times in the United States, we struggle, we fight, we prosper,” she said. “However, this success isn’t easy. I believe [that this is] the American Dream.”

One Comment

  1. tempat sampah plastik

    December 15, 2017 at 10:29 PM

    Kami adalah perusahaan terkemuka di bidang pembuatan dan penjualan tempat sampah dengan teknologi canggih inovatif. Sejak awal berdiri, telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar dalam pengembangan penanganan sampah dengan cara yang mudah, cepat dan higeinis. Motto kami adalah “FOR THE LIVING OF BETTER EARTH” perusahaan kami peduli pada masa depan bumi dan ingin mendorong orang untuk secara serius mengelola sampah dengan cara yang baik, sehat dan benar. Kami ada untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi bumi kita ini. Melalui bantuan produk kami yang inovatif, kita wujudkan bumi yang sehat, bersahabat dan nyaman untuk kita tinggali.