S. Korea to reconstruct disconnected inter-Korean railway by 2017

June 26, 2015
A special tourist train carrying sightseers from Seoul Railway Station in downtown Seoul to border areas near the Demilitarized Zone is in service on Aug. 1, 2014. The train makes two round trips between Seoul Railway Station and Dorasan Station a day. (Yonhap)

A special tourist train carrying sightseers from Seoul Railway Station in downtown Seoul to border areas near the Demilitarized Zone is in service on Aug. 1, 2014. The train makes two round trips between Seoul Railway Station and Dorasan Station a day. (Yonhap)

SEOUL, June 25 (Yonhap) — South Korea plans to begin restoring the section of a disconnected inter-Korean railroad on its soil this year, the Unification Ministry said Thursday, in line with President Park Geun-hye’s vision for a united Eurasia.

South Korea will inject 3.3 billion won (US$2.9 million) into the project this year to renovate the 11.7-kilometer railway section in the South by 2017. The project is part of its ambitious goal to re-connect the Gyeongwon Line that once ran from central Seoul to the North Korean eastern city of Wonsan before the Korean Peninsula was divided 70 years ago.

The project, which will cost 151 billion won ($135.8 million) in total, is designed to lay the groundwork for unification and to realize Park’s vision for a united Eurasia, the ministry said.

The decision was made at a meeting on Thursday, attended by Seoul’s pointman on inter-Korean affairs and other government officials. The government plans to tap its inter-Korean cooperative fund for the project.

South Korea hopes to eventually link its rail network to Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway via North Korea under Park’s Eurasia initiative that calls for logistics development among Eurasian nations by linking their railroads.

The ministry also said that it plans to pump 3 billion won this year into civic groups’ move to support forestation and environment-related projects in the North.

In May, South Korea said it will encourage civilian groups to boost inter-Korean exchanges in such areas as culture, sports and history if they could help restore national unity and open channels for cooperation.

The government added that it will offer 2.17 billion won for this year’s joint excavation of a medieval royal palace site in North Korea.

In June, the two Koreas kicked off the six-month project to excavate the site of Manwoldae, a Goryeo Dynasty palace, in the North’s border town of Kaesong.


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