All posts tagged "climate change"

  • Citizens walk on a road in Yeouido, central Seoul, on Aug. 1, 2014, after the first heat wave warning of this year was issued in the capital area. The warning is usually issued if the daily high temperature is expected to rise above 35 C for two days in a row. (Yonhap)
    Heat wave deaths expected to double by 2040 in Seoul

    The number of people who die during heat waves is expected to double by 2040 due to climate change, according to a government report Tuesday. According to the 2014 climate change assessment report drafted by the Ministry...

    • Posted February 24, 2015
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  • Asian female students at Harvard University were targeted in an e-mail death threat.
    Harvard sued over push for fossil fuels divestment

    BOSTON (AP) — Seven Harvard University students have filed a lawsuit asking a judge to force the university’s governing body to divest from fossil fuel companies. The lawsuit filed Wednesday alleges investment in those companies violates the...

    • Posted November 20, 2014
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  • ban
    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joins People’s Climate March in NY

    The Korea Times Los Angeles staff UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon joined hundreds of thousands of environmental activists in the streets of Manhattan on Sunday with the hopes of demonstrating the public’s growing urgency towards climate change. In the...

    • Posted September 22, 2014
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