All posts tagged "student reporters"

  • Sarah Choe 
North High School 
10th grade
    2D legacy lives on in Disney

    With so many popular films featuring 3D technology, and remembering April 2013 when Disney laid off nine of their 2D animators, it may seem like this timeless art form may be nearing the final standstill – but...

    • Posted September 30, 2015
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  • Sydney Song 
Granada Hills Charter High School, 10th
    Thailand bombing kills 20 and injures 120 others

    For the past couple years, there have been tensions over the control of the Thailand military coup government. These tensions could have been the cause of the August 18, 2015 pipe bombing incident that left more than...

    • Posted September 28, 2015
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  • Teresa Suh 
11th grade
    Recovering From the Cambodian Genocide

    On April 17, 1975, the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot’s regime invaded Phnom Penh and commenced their four-year regime over the Cambodian people. They were dehumanized, brutalized, and killed, and about 2 million people died as a...

    • Posted September 25, 2015
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  • Jihyun Woo 
Gretchen Whitney High  
11th grade
    Sleep For Memory

    Everyone, especially students, has experienced firsthand the negative effects of sleep deprivation on proximate performance and thought processes. Immediate effects of sleep are very evident. However, what not everyone may know is that sleep is also essential...

    • Posted September 22, 2015
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  • John Chae  
Cerritos High School 
11th grade
    Google Alphabet

    Google unveiled the Google Alphabet, which will be the parent holding company of Google and other companies it bought and its sub-companies. Larry Page, the co-founder of Google with Sergey Brin, posted a message regarding this update...

    • Posted September 18, 2015
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  • Joon Sang Kim
Phillips Exeter Academy 
    Trump, the Not-So-Dark Horse

    In the first GOP presidential debate of the 2016 election, there were formidable presentations, with Florida Senator Marco Rubio holding his own and Rand Paul and Chris Christie entering into a passionate debate over the constitutionality of...

    • Posted September 16, 2015
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  • Grace Lim, 10th grade 
Academy of the Canyons Middle College High School
    Global community service: Why students choose to go abroad

    The technological advancements of the 21st century have unveiled new pathways for communication and interdependence on the international scale. With the spread of globalization through networks of communication such as social media and messaging platforms, students from...

    • Posted September 14, 2015
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